Dunny Show CPH project

Not exactly footwear related, but interesting! hummel has been asked to take part in The Dunny Show CPH, an exhibition of customized Dunny toys by some of the best designers and creative people here in Denmark. The event follows hot on the heels of the previous Kid Robot Dunny Shows in NYC, SF and elsewhere.

I have been involved working up concepts for the proeject to be fabricated. Check out the ideas. More concept sketches after the Read More link below.

Of course, if you are in CPH from August 2, be sure to check out the final exhibit at Asbæk Gallery.

Pictures of the final Dunny will be posted soon (when its done!)

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

could you do something based around or dedicated to one of the endorsed athletes that Hummel has. This could be quite an interesting concept pushing through their personality. Just an idea

7:27 AM  
Blogger brkfst said...

I'm a big fan of both the Hummel brand and of the Dunny, so I'm particularly pleased that you've been given this opportunity. I'd go with one of the winged bee designs. Good luck!

2:26 PM  

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